Friends of Sherfield (FoS) is a registered charity which organises events and activities for the benefit of the school, parents and the local community. FoS supports the children’s enrichment and educational advancement, provides parents’ support, and strengthens relations with local community organisations.
Fundraising is mostly by hosting events that all are welcome to attend. Examples of past and future events can be found elsewhere on this website.
Current projects include:
Sherfield Kitchen Garden
Starting in 2023, creating a Kitchen Garden giving the opportunity to provide pupils with the opportunity to start or develop a love for gardening and healthy eating and encourage sustainability by growing produce for the school
Astrobiology Club
Enthusiastically championed by students and staff, the club will combine planetary and moon observations to support astrophotography, discussion and debate.
Completed projects include:
The provision of new professional-grade gym equipment to support the refurbishment of the school gymnasium.
The provision of furniture and decor for the Student Wellbeing Centre
An Outdoor Classroom to allow lessons to take place in the beautiful school grounds whilst being protected by the weather.
The Purchase of professional grade 3D printers for the DT department
…and donations to Macmillan Cancer Support and the DEC Ukraine appeal through surplus funds generated by designated events